It is good to be home, even if only for a short time. Washington area is both unchanging and protean. The Mall stays very similar, although with lots of changes on the margins. The Capitol and the Washington Monument provide the anchors with Lincoln and Jefferson a little outside. I have taken and posted dozens of pictures of the monuments. They are always impressive. You can see below that they are still working on the reflecting pool. I hear that they are washing off the algae.

Nearer to home, they are building all sorts of things. The area around Dunn Loring Metro will be developed. They are starting with the parking, as you can see in the picture. They already have some of the town center finished. There is a Target down the street which will open next month. Below is a new area of shops across the street from our house. Chrissy & I had lunch at a place called the “Lost Dog”. They serve hundreds of kinds of beer.

Down the street, that is an interesting phrase. There is currently not much of a street to go down. Gallows Road is mostly closed. You can see the progress. This will be a really wide road. There is supposed to be a median strip, so that you can run from one side to the other with some hope of surviving the adventure.

Most of my meetings were down in FSI. I am very fond of FSI; it is much like a college campus and the walk from the Balston Metro is usually pleasant, lots of big oak trees, takes about twenty minutes. I did get stuck in some really heavy rain one day, however, as you can see in the picture nearby. I wasn’t properly prepared for this. I didn’t bring my GoreTex coat. Being down in Brasília with the pleasant and predictable weather has made me complacent.

Below is the parking setting up at Dunn Loring