First Snow of the Season

We got our first snow today. It was only a couple inches, nothing like some other parts of the country have been suffering. Still, it is a big deal for Washington, a city that combines southern efficiency with northern charm.  Schools closed; the government had liberal leave policy, i.e. you could take unscheduled leave if you wanted.  Most of it will melt soon, even if it stays cooler than usual, as it has been.  You can tell we are in the south by the leaves on the magnolia tree near the sign, still green with the snow swirling around them.

The pictures show some of the buildings near FSI & Balston. If you can read the sign in the picture, you can read that this area was built between 1937 & 1953. It was supposed to be a low density garden city community in the colonial style popular at the time.  It is a nice setup. They originally were rental properties, but many have now been converted to condominiums.

It must have been fairly remote back in 1937, but now it is near densely developed cityscapes. The Balston Metro made the development more attractive. You can see above across the street and below the new construction just down the block.  I felt sorry for the poor guys working high up in the snow.