I depend on the Metro to get around. That means I have to walk a lot and I think that is just fine. You get to know a place a lot better when you literally put your feet on the ground. Today, for example, I had a conference at FSI and had to walk from Ballston Metro. It takes just over a half hour and it is a nice walk through Arlington. I have included some pictures from my various walks.
This one is not from Arlington. This is the statue of Jame McPherson in Washington. McPherson commanded the Army of Tennessee during the Civil War. He was killed at the battle of Atlanta in 1864. Ballston Mall near the Metro. A pedestrian passage under Rt 50 on the way to FSI. This is a relic of an earlier time and I am surprised it stays open. It is very convenient however. If it were built today, it would need lots of other features and the government would pay millions of dollars for construction. Housing in Arlington, VA New construction near Ballston–February 20. New construction near Ballston–November of last year. Car stack near Ballston Nature Conservancy across from Ballston Metro in Arlington. The Nature Conservancy is the best of the environmental groups, IMO. They actually buy, restore and manage ecologically sensitive places. Instead of just protesting or demanding something be done, they do something.