This blog entry goes with my talk this week re building Iraqi infrastructure, what we did on the ePRT, and how civil-military cooperation worked in my experience. I have included relevant links to other places on the blog that I believe illustrate various aspects of the work. If you are reading this before the talk, I look forward to your questions. If you are reading this after the talk, I hope this fills in some of the blank spaces and/or questions raised. In either case, please feel free to post questions of comments.

Why I volunteered to go to Iraq
Getting used to being at Al Asad
Notes on our ePRT
· Evolution of the Western Anbar ePRT
Infrastructure in Western Iraq
Embracing local culture (goat grab)
Prospering in spite of the politicians
Sanctions, mismanagement & lost opportunities
We did what they said couldn’t be done (can we use the V-word yet?)