The New Mexico board of tourism calls their state the “Land of Enchantment” and they are right. As you drive across the middle of the state, you encounter a wide variety of beautiful ecosystems, lots of cute towns and great vistas. I drove along US Highways 70 and 60 and avoided the Interstate. Below are some pictures and comments.

Above and below are examples of the changing biomes that sometimes sit within a few minutes drive of each other. Above are ponderosa pine. The open park-like terrains is naturally kept that way by frequent small fires. The ponderosa pines are fire-dependent. The young trees have black bark; as they get older -at around 100 years – the bark turns reddish. Ponderosa pines have a distinctive smell and you could tell you were near them with your eyes closed. I stopped at the roadside where I took the picture to experience that. Below is a mixed juniper and pinyon pine landscape. It is a bit drier than the ponderosa places. Pinyon pines produce “pine nut” consumed by local people and wildlife.

Below – as you get into drier places, the trees disappear and you get various types of grassland. I am less familiar with the specifics of those biomes.

Below is almost entirely grass. The modern things you see are the “very large array,” a series of radio telescopes used to explore the far reaches of the cosmos, from the far reaches of New Mexico. I guess that the elevation and clear air make that easier.

Below are lava bed. According to what I read, the lava oozed out around 800 years ago. Some plants have since colonized. It must have been nearly impassible on foot or in a wagon when people first found them.