I am back in the U.S. after my week in Brazil. We took the overnight flight that left at 10pm. The plus side of flying through the night is that the day is free, so we spent our last Saturday in Brazil looking around Sao Paulo. It was a great day: cool and clear. I had not been back in Brazil since 1988. No surprise that a lot has changed. The roads are better. There is less air pollution. People are interested in protecting the environment. People are running in the parks. I didn’t get to Porto Alegre, so I am basing my opinions only on Paraná and Sao Paulo. I knew those places less well.

They always said that Brazil was the country of the future. Looks like it has arrived. Anyway, I have some short comments and pictures that together are enough for a post. They are below.
Below is feijoada, a bean, rice and meat dish. It is very filling. And below is a local pharmacy, unrelated to the beans, but maybe not.

Below – any place that has good beer is civilized.

Below is the monuement to the Bandeirantes. They were a mixture of explorers, pioneers and bandits, who explored and settled southern Brazil.

Below is the monument to Brazilian Airforce pilots from World War II. Brazil was the only South American country to send fighting troops to support the allies. They fought bravely in the Italian campaign. They also patrolled the S. Atlantic and hosted bases.

Below – runners in Sao Paulo

Below Cesar and Tim. Cesar was my colleague back in Porto Alegre, lo those many years ago. In the background are rips roasting at the churascaria.

Below – the last picture is not in Sao Paulo. It is me at the falls in Parana. Brazil has a lot of variety.