I noticed the bird sitting on that structure in the evening. In the morning, they were still there. Then I saw why. They fish and evidently fishing is good. If you look down in the water, so see loons (or whatever the local equivalent is). They are fun to watch. They dive deep and come up fifty meters away.

A company of soldiers from Azerbaijan guards Haditha Dam. It is good duty for them. They get good chow and the Marines give them goretex coats. They take their job very seriously.

Although they are fellow Muslims from a country very near Iraq, they have a lot more of the Eastern European look. The Soviet Union was not good at doing very much, but they did manage to impose a certain uniformity that survives after it.

Perpetual Garbage Fires
Western Iraq has its own versions of the eternal flame. I noticed this garbage fire when I arrived in Iraq four months ago. It never is allowed to go out and continues to burn in perpetuity and new garbage replaces the old. Sunrise over the garbage pile is almost pretty. Doesn’t smell good, however.

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Until June
I want to grow some marigolds and sunflowers outside my door. I figure I can keep them growing at least until June. Then my guess is the extreme heat will wilt them no matter how much water I provide.
Marines walking by were amused by my efforts. Some of them thought it was not a completely masculine pursuit. They actually used somewhat different words, ones that in earlier versions of the English language meant “happy” & “unusual”. But everyone was interested and I expect they will come to appreciate the brief flowering of color in this bleak place.

My New Rug
I just got a new rug for my office. Nice. See, work conditions are not so bad. That thing with the helmet, BTW, is the armor holder.