A travelling man

 I try to spread out my travel, but I have to respond events and so I my travel has been concentrated.   I was in Rio last Sunday to address the opening of an IIE/Fulbright recruiting visit for U.S. universities.  After a couple days back, it was off to São Paulo for Fulbright.   We held our board meeting in São Paulo to take advantage of the presence of Tom Healy,   chairman of the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.  Returning to Brasília, I went right from the airport to a restaurant where Fulbright and IIE were hosting the returned university group.  They had split into two groups. One went south to Porto Alegre; the other went north to Belém.  Members of both groups thought they got the better deal.   The trips were successful.    For me still travelling.  I left for Boa Vista in the state of Roraima.  

You could argue whether Acre or Roraima is the most remote Brazilian state.   I am putting my vote on Roraima.   You can fly from Brasília to Acre’s capital Rio Branco with a direct flight.   To get to Boa Vista you need to take a nearly five hour flight through Manaus in order to arrive at 2am.

I have not been contributing properly to the blog, but I will be writing up the notes and maybe unlike the travel, spreading out.