I don’t like to get up on my bike before dawn, but I am embracing it, since I have no choice. I have to be at work before 7, which means I have to leave the house at around 5:45, which is just almost sun-up this time of year. It is relaxing to ride through that twilight, knowing that it will soon be lighter. There is also a lot less traffic on the roads, although – ironically – a few more bikes and runners on the trail.

Although I get to work early, I still stay until I can take the subway home. But I go down near the Potomac to enjoy the evening twilight. So I get the early twilight and the late twilight. Sweet.

The pictures – Up top is the sun rise over Washington from Ft Myer. The sun is blinding at this angle, so I ride right in that shadow of the tree. Next is flag raising at Ft Meyer. Below that is the reflecting pool with no water. Everything needs maintenance. Below here are people fishing in the Potomac at the end of the day. And under that are buses parked in the Potomac Park. Evidently this is now the new tour bus parking place. I don’t like it.